I've never been one to jump on a bandwagon. I find that in going along with the crowd a lot of good things get passed over unnoticed. Take the iPOD bandwagon. Apple makes a great product here, to be sure, and they revolutionized portable music with an easy interface and attractive device. However, while Apple's products are very good, if I was a grade school teacher I would put this note on Apple's report card: Does not play well with others. If you're content to limit yourself to Apple products, you'll be fine with an iPOD. But if you are like me, and don't want to become dependent on one company, there are many alternatives. Recently, I thought it would be fun to get a portable music player. I'd been working hard and wanted a new toy. Doing chores to music makes the task much more enjoyable, like a spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down. I've played with other people's iPODs, and found them interesting, but they have shortcomings. O...