Republican Dictionary
Activist Judge: one who makes a ruling that we don't agree with. Collateral Damage: innocent people we accidentally kill in order to eliminate terrorists who want to kill innocent people. Compromise: abandoning our principles. Conservative: American, patriotic. Constitutional Amendment: what we propose whenever an activist judge makes a ruling we disagree with. Democrat: Liberal (see) Environmentalist: nut case who prefer trees, deer and whales over corporate profits, 10-lane freeways, and cheap oil. Fair and Balanced: whatever makes sense to us. Family Values: exemplified by good Christians who don't have sex except to make babies. Indecency: bare breasts. Liberal: traitor. Media Bias: any report which presents facts that contradict our beliefs. Mission Accomplished: the easy part is over. Minimum Wage: excessive compensation for our front-line employees who do the actual selling of our product. Moderate: some weenie trying to have it both ways. Morality: No se...